Dear Infinite Consciousness,
Mind if I call you IC? I have a couple of problems down here on the blue marble. You see, I've got this whole life thing going on and frankly, it's not working out all that well. Surely, there are many creatures here that would agree.
I'm just not feeling it anymore, know what I mean? One might say, I'm over it. The whole life and mega responsibilities trip, I'm over it. I realize it's probably not what was intended for people on this planet, but hey, humans. Oy. What to do?
Perhaps you could do a little something to get the psychopathic, war mongering males steered toward reality. I know. It's a huge request, but the payoff would be great. With all the monetary resources (an oxymoron in the US) that would become available, we might just be able to pay off the debts with China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, etc. You feelin me, IC?
Oh, can you also do something about the prison industrial complex. That's been fucking things up for years. YEARS. If monies for states went to the states instead of to the private corporations to whom contracts for prisons are awarded, we might have decent public schools and quality care for children. Hell, some mothers might even be able to stick around the home to raise their children if we used our resources better. Say yes to community centers. Say no to prisons.
Of course there's the US health care fiasco. IC, I think it'd be fine to let people lie in the beds they make for themselves. For example: complications from obesity? Too bad for the fat asses. Guess those clogged arteries will be the death of them after all. You can go ahead and let that entire system fall apart. Instead, could you get AIDS medicines to laboring women all over sub-Saharan Africa so that their babies will have a better chance of not contracting the illness?
My dog. Take him now, please.
My kids. Help them become who they are. And yeah, get them to QUIET DOWN already. Thanks. Gotta run.
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