Wednesday, October 13, 2010

picking up a piece or two

The very least I can do today is get my children where they need to go. No more "sick" mama for me. My pseudo-vacation of illness has come to an end. On the menu for today:
  • proctoring my son's exams 
  • orthodontist appointments for both children 
  • library, library, library 
  • bill paying online ($15 here, $15 there) 
  • responsible people correspondence re:  responsible people stuff 
  • kung fu lessons for male child 
  • grocery store for pad thai ingredients (what my female spawn has wanted to make for days) 
  • of course, my little family unit will walk for all of the errands 
  • then, home to work out
By the way, single mother's are the most shat upon members of our society. People assume the worst about single moms. How nice to be one and be somewhat oblivious to the condemnation and criticism.

1 comment:

  1. It's a sad fact that everyone focuses so much on weight loss. When people irl find out that I'm running alot, the first thing I usually here is, "Oh, you must be losing alot of weight", "You're going to shrink away", etc. Maybe part of it is people don't really know what else to say and the weight loss aspect of any experience is the most visible result. Anyone overweight = lazy. It's sad that I do know some clique (sp?) overweight people who happen to be lazy. I also know skinny people who are lazy.
