Saturday, September 18, 2010

keeping it small

I'm going to try to be helpful. 8) I know I bitch about my weight, but I have to be honest; I've always been small. I've always been an athlete and have eaten a healthy diet during the majority of my life. (healthy is such a relative term)

But I really think there are things I do that keep me small - starving and puking aside. So here's a little list of neurotic crap I do with my food/cooking.

  • I go for raw foods first, especially fruit
  • I don't use margarine or cook with vegetable oil.
  • I use butter and cook with ghee or nothing at all, usually nothing at all.
  • I use the crap out of spices and very low calorie condiments.
  • I drink broth or hot tea when my stomach growls.
  • I'm a diet pepsi addict.
  • Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. (this is especially great for my anxiety)
  • I use low fat creamer and cinnamon in coffee. YUM.
  • I have a salad almost daily with vinegar and spices.
  • I regularly have air popped popcorn with garlic salt, Bragg's liquid amino acids and hot sauce.
  • I use bowls only for salads and popcorn.
  • I use mugs for things like cereal and soup to keep portions realistic.
  • I use small plates...when I use a plate.
  • I do some kind of physical activity everyday (like walking to do my errands) and work out most days.
  • I don't drag meals out. I get it over with, no reason to linger in the kitchen or dining room.
  • I take vitamins. (I'm loath to admit that this has never really stopped my hair from falling out when my intake gets too low.)
  • I measure my bod pretty much every day.  (Insane. I know.)
Of course there's more, but I figure y'all must bored with this list if I'm tired of making it. ;) 

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